Le Masserie del Duca is the agri-food line of Duca Carlo Guarini.
The traditional tomato sauces, cherry and datterino tomatoes, yellow and red peeled tomatoes, dried tomatoes in bags and in oil are prepared with sun-ripened tomatoes in our fields, processed immediately after harvesting, which we transform into preserves. of high quality, which preserve intact the scents and flavors of Salento.
With the vegetables from our gardens, harvested at the right season and processed very fresh, we prepare delicious sauces, creams and pickles to create appetizers, accompany your dishes or season pasta. All seasoned with extra virgin olive oil produced in our mill, with olives from our olive groves.
Among the specialties of the Masserie del Duca you will also find the dried legumes of our production: broad beans, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas and cicerchie to prepare tasty traditional dishes or your most innovative recipes
Tomato Ready sauces Olives Vegetables in oil and creams Dried legumes in bag Jams and dried figs