I taste / Food & Surroundings
Cibus in Ceglie Messapica (Br)
In a charming village, a former Messapian stronghold, with an old town full of churches, ancient palaces with coats of arms and balconies, towers and a maze of alleys, suddenly appears Cibus, a place of the taste, which alone is worth the trip. Here the owner Angelo Silibello, Lillino for his friends, welcomes you in the cellars of a former Dominican monastery, dating back to ‘400. The story of his family begins with a tavern in the 50s, which was later transformed into a restaurant that today is appreciated by the best guides. Lillino wins you over with his passion for the territory and its high quality products, that he in person, selects and carefully preserves. This is the starting point of a journey to discover quality wines stored in a Nevaia ( a place were in the past the ice was stored) and artisan cheese, left to mature in “the cave” and that he serves with honey citrus produced in the area or a jelly obtained by Primitivo wine. Before your eyes, a parade of authentic delights such as muffato cheese, caciocavallo, blue-veined pecorino cheese, the artisan,mature provolone and so on. In the kitchen his son Camillo and the cook Angela Nigro, prepare the recipes of the past, according to the tradition or slightly revisited, which make them even tastier. Not to be missed is the pie of burnt wheat with white sauce of podolico calf, escarole and yellow cherry tomatoes and the pie with wild cardoncelli (thorny spontaneous grass) as a starter. Excellent the burned wheat spaghetti with wild asparagus and crispy capocollo and bavette pasta with mennelle olives on a puree of seasonal broad beans and pecorino. Simple is the aroma of the meat dishes cooked at the stove with wood charcoal, such as lamb meat served with cooked potatoes as a side, or pork Porchetta stuffed with lampagioni (a variety of wild onion) (see recipe). As a dessert, the ricotta mousse with figs vincotto with Ceglie biscuits (Slow Food): almond paste with cherry jam and lemon peel, a recipe dating back to Messapi.
Info: Via Chianche di Scarano 7, Ceglie Messapica (Br), tel. 0831388980,
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